Experience - Led Growth.

Deliver exceptional customer satisfaction through digital products using our unique Experience-Led Growth methodology with customer psychology in its core.

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Experience-led Growth makes exceptional customer experience primary vehicle of business growth. We enable XLG through Practical Learning and Hands-On Consulting - novel approaches to education and consulting aimed to improve your product and the way of working in-place.

Experience - Led Growth

Our proprietary frameworks that fuel
Experience - Led Growth

Our Approach

Our novel teaching methodology blends theoretical knowledge with practical consulting sessions addressing your current real challenges. While people leave training centers inspired, they gradually loose the momentum and spark, going back to the older way of working. With Practical Education we make sure the moment you learn the theory, you start applying it on your daily job. 30% of programs syllabus are consulting sessions, where we help you use the theory in your work immediately.


Training Centers

“ We bridge the gap between
theoretical training and strategic consulting ”

Consulting Firms

Practical Knowledge

Our novel teaching methodology blends theoretical knowledge with practical consulting sessions addressing your current real challenges. While people leave training centers inspired, they gradually loose the momentum and spark, going back to the older way of working. With Practical Education we make sure the moment you learn the theory, you start applying it on your daily job. 30% of programs syllabus are consulting sessions, where we help you use the theory in your work immediately.

Product Deep Dive

A transformative program designed to cultivate the essential mindset and knowledge for building great technology products, from discovery to strategy, from delivery to product-led growth.

12 weeks long / 24 learning sessions / 12 Consulting Sessions

User Psychology Deep Dive

A masterclass program designed to uncover the psychological forces influencing consumer behavior, from product selection and engagement via habit loops to becoming vocal advocates for the brand.

09 weeks long / 18 learning sessions / 04 Consulting Sessions

Data-Driven Product Management

A masterclass program created to elevate the data-driven culture among product and business teams, emphasizing the development of skills in data collection, analysis, and insight extraction to improve product strategy, delivery, and growth.

12 weeks long / 24 learning sessions / 12 Consulting Sessions

Delivery Deep Dive

A masterclass program crafted to instill mastery in product development life cycle management and delivery strategies for team communication, stakeholder communication, quality and release management.

12 weeks long / 24 learning sessions / 12 Consulting Sessions

Hands-On Consulting

Most consulting firms focus on higher level objectives such as defining company strategy. We learned from customers that even in the implementation phase these firms keep things on generic reports level and don’t delve deep into hands on work with the teams. Our approach is hands-on consulting around specific product or product line with the teams who build it. We call it Practical Consulting. The goal is to craft a success story after success story with your teams creating gravity towards positive change throughout the whole organization.

Product Discovery

Work with product managers to improve the way they discovery and validate the right problems.

Business & Product Strategy

Work with department heads to build winning product strategies focused on business success.

Product Delivery

Work with engineering teams to build faster.

Business Growth

Work with department heads to improve working processes and team structures.

Product Analytics

Work with product and data teams to ensure you collect the right data and turn that data into actionable insights to drive business results.

Go-To-Market Strategy

Work with product, marketing and sales teams to build effective go-to-market strategy.

You can book 1 hour online or 2 hours offline session with us.


Our managing partners come from a unique background of 40+ year of combined experience working in Silicon Valley companies such as Google, Microsoft, Picsart with multidisciplinary experience from product to design to engineering to leadership.


Edgar Kakoyan

With over 12 years in product design and management, Edgar has hired and trained over 100 designers and consulted for 12 companies. As the Design Lead at Picsart, a creative platform with over 100 million active users, he collaborated with top stakeholders on the redesign of Picsart’s main revenue-generating editor. Additionally, he is a founding member, Design Director, and Product Advisor at Modicus Prime, a self-service AI software that provides intelligent image analysis to monitor biologics at any scale.


Narek Hayrapetyan

With over 12 years in product and engineering management. Narek authored the 2016 NATO publication “Border Surveillance Using UAVs with Thermal Camera.” As Principal Product Manager at Picsart for over a decade, he was employee #25 and contributed to its growth to 1,300 people, holding various roles including software engineer, engineering manager, and business owner. Narek has mentored and hired over 50 product managers and engineers.


Rafayel Mkrtchyan

With over 12 years in product and engineering management. Named to HIVE Ventures' 30 Under 30 Armenians in Tech in 2020, he co-founded and served as CPO at PlayEngine in 2019, raising over $2.6M for their sports betting software. As VP of Engineering at BetConstruct in 2016, Rafayel led an engineering organization of over 400 engineers. He also worked as a Software Engineer at Google in 2015 and is a Principal Lecturer of Product Management at the Ministry of High Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia.a


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